
思科 Catalyst 3750-x系列交換機

產品信息:加速創新并提高企業生產效率通過 Cisco Catalyst 3750-X 系列交換機支持要求極為苛刻的應用。這些企業級堆疊式交換機具有以下優勢:可提供行業領先的安全性通過 Flexible NetFlow 防御惡意行為通過 MACSec 2 層加密確保數據保密性通過 TrustSec 提供基于身份的訪問控制可實現一流的暢通性通過 StackWise Plus 提供自我修復功能和次秒級故

  • 產品中心: 思科產品
  • 思科產品: 思科交換機


通過 Cisco Catalyst 3750-X 系列交換機支持要求極為苛刻的應用。這些企業級堆疊式交換機具有以下優勢:

  • 可提供行業領先的安全性

    • 通過 Flexible NetFlow 防御惡意行為

    • 通過 MACSec 2 層加密確保數據保密性

    • 通過 TrustSec 提供基于身份的訪問控制

  • 可實現一流的暢通性

    • 通過 StackWise Plus 提供自我修復功能和次秒級故障切換

    • 通過 StackPower 提高電力供應暢通性

    • 通過冗余電源和冷卻風扇支持無間斷通信

    • 通過熱插拔電源、冷卻風扇和網絡模塊最大程度減少宕機時間

  • 最優服務質量 (QoS)

    • 通過嚴格的優先級隊列優先處理視頻等關鍵業務流量

    • 通過 Mediatrace 和流量模擬器驗證網絡就緒狀況并簡化故障排除

  • 可降低運營成本

    • 通過 Cisco EnergyWise 電源管理功能降低運營成本并提高企業可持續性

    • 通過 Cisco Catalyst 智能操作簡化部署、配置和控制

    • 通過智能電源管理回收利用未使用的電力

  • 極大限度地增強投資保護

    • 通過全面的硬件支持平穩過渡到 IPv6

    • 最大限度地減少升級軟件平臺或添加新功能所需的中斷

  • 在以太網供電 (POE) 方面居于領先地位

    • 最多支持 48 個 PoE+ 端口,每個端口最高提供 30 瓦的功率

Cisco Fixed Access


Cisco Catalyst 3750-X  Series:
GE  copper and fiber stackable switches with support for advanced Layer 3 and IPv6 capabilities Higher availability and

resiliency using StackWise? Plus and Cisco StackPower? technology combined with dual redundant, hot-swappable power supplies

and fan modules
Feature rich BN services platform with Cisco TrustSec, Medianet & EnergyWise
Support more PoE devices with 30W power available on all ports simultaneously
Support Cisco Universal Power Over Ethernet (60W per port) and Energy
Efficient Ethernet
Configuration flexibility and future-proofing  with four hot-swappable  network modules (GE and 10 GE ports) and the choice

of LAN Base, IP Base, and IP Services software
Ensure data confidentiality and integrity with Media Access Control Security
(MACsec) hardware-based line-rate encryption
EnergyWise for operational cost optimization by measuring actual power consumption of the PoE devices, reporting, and

reducing energy consumption across the network
Smart Operations to simplify LAN deployment, configuration, and troubleshooting
Investment protection with enhanced limited lifetime warranty (eLLW)

WS-C3750X-24T-L: Stackable 24 10/100/1000 Ethernet ports, 350W PS, LAN Base WS-C3750X-48T-L: Stackable 48 10/100/1000

Ethernet ports, 350W PS, LAN Base WS-C3750X-24P-L: Stackable 24 10/100/1000 PoE+ ports, 715W PS, LAN Base
WS-C3750X-48P-L: Stackable 48 10/100/1000 Ethernet ports, 715W PS, LAN Base
WS-C3750X-48PF-L: Stackable 24 10/100/1000 Ethernet ports, 1100W PS, LAN Base
WS-C3750X-24U-L: Stackable 24 10/100/1000 UPOE ports, 1100W PS, LAN Base WS-C3750X-48U-L: Stackable 48 10/100/1000 UPOE

ports, 1100W PS, LAN Base WS-C3750X-24T-S: Stackable 24 10/100/1000 Ethernet ports, 350W PS, IP Base
WS-C3750X-48T-S: Stackable 48 10/100/1000 Ethernet ports, 350W PS, IP Base
WS-C3750X-24P-S: Stackable 24 10/100/1000 PoE+ ports, 715W PS, IP Base
WS-C3750X-48P-S: Stackable 48 10/100/1000 Ethernet ports, 715W PS, IP Base
WS-C3750X-48PF-S: Stackable 24 10/100/1000 Ethernet ports, 1100W PS, IP Base
WS-C3750X-12S-S: Stackable 12 Gigabit Ethernet SFP ports, 350W PS, IP Base
WS-C3750X-24S-S: Stackable 24 Gigabit Ethernet SFP ports, 350W PS, IP Base
WS-C3750X-24U-S: Stackable 24 10/100/1000 UPOE ports, 1100W PS, IP Base
WS-C3750X-48U-S: Stackable 48 10/100/1000 UPOE ports, 1100W PS, IP Base
WS-C3750X-24T-E: Stackable 24 10/100/1000 Ethernet ports, 350W PS, IP Services WS-C3750X-48T-E: Stackable 48 10/100/1000

Ethernet ports, 350W PS, IP Services WS-C3750X-24P-E: Stackable 24 10/100/1000 PoE+ ports, 715W PS, IP Services
WS-C3750X-48P-E: Stackable 48 10/100/1000 Ethernet ports, 715W PS, IP Services
WS-C3750X-48PF-E: Stackable 48 10/100/1000 Ethernet ports, 1100W PS, IP Services
WS-C3750X-12S-E: Stackable 12 Gigabit Ethernet SFP ports, 350W PS, IP Services
WS-C3750X-24S-E: Stackable 24 Gigabit Ethernet SFP ports, 350W PS, IP Services
WS-C3750X-24U-E: Stackable 24 10/100/1000 UPOE ports, 1100W PS, IP Services
WS-C3750X-48U-E: Stackable 48 10/100/1000 UPOE ports, 1100W PS, IP Services